논문편 : 노인의 스트레스에 대한 영향 변인과 대처방법에 관한 연구 |
최정혜 |
창원대학교 가정관리과 |
A Study on the factors which influence of stress and method in coping with stress of old age |
최정혜 |
This study attempts to expore factors which influence of stress. Date were obtained from structed interview conducted with 373 men and women who were 60 years over and living in Kyungnam. Data were analyzed through X2, ANOVA, T-TEST, FACTOR ANALYSIS, MULTIPLE REGRESSTION techniques. The results are summarized as follow: 1. Stress of old age were showed over middle level. The domains of stress showed that health problem is first, later life problem is second, trouble of communication is third, dependency problem is fourth, alienation is last(p<.001). 2. Of the variables health status, family type, economic status, self-esteem, mastery were significant with stress(p<.001). 3. Of the variables sex, religious, self-esteem, mastery were significant of used method in coping with stress. 4. The most of effective variables of stress were mastery, health status, self-esteem. |