Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1990;28(2):91-106.
논문편 : 소비자의 광고판별능력과 관련요인에 관한 연구 - 기만광고판별을 중심으로 -
서울대학교 가정대학 소비자 아동학과
A Study on Consumers' Advertising Discriminatory Competencies and the Related Factors
초 록 This study focuses on consumers' advertising discriminatory competencies and the influencing facors. So the objects of this study are as follows : 1) to identify the overall level of advertising discriminatory competencies. 2) to examine if consumer attitude variables have significant effects on the ads. discriminatory competenceis. 3) to examine if the frequencies of contacting advertising variable have significant effects on the ads. discriminatory competencies. 4) to examine if socio-economics variables-age, educational level, monthly family income, occupational status-have significant effects on the ads. discriminatory competencies. 5) to find out the independent influence of variables related to the ads. discriminatory competencies. For this purpose, a survey was conducted using questionaires and advertisement papers. The data used in this study included 194 Homemakers living in Seoul. The ads. used in this study included ads. of diary products like foods, drinks, medicine, cosmetic, detergent in TV, radio, newspaper and magagine. Statistics were Frequency Distribution, Mean, percentile, ANOVA, Scheff -test, Pearsons' Correlation, Multiple Regrassion Analysis. Major findings were as follows : First, in 26 items(70%) of 37 items measured consumers' ads. discriminatory competencies, the rate of right answer was below 50%, so over the half of consumers were misleaded by the deceptive ads. Second, consumers' ads. discriminatory competencies differed significantly according to consumer attitude variables but no according to the frequency of contacting advertising. Third, according to socio-demographic variables-age, educational level, monthly family income, occupational status-advertising discriminatory competencies differed significantly. In group of lower age, higher educational level, higher income and professional occupation status, the level of ads. discriminatory competencies were high. Forth, the most influencing variabel on ads. disciriminatory competencies were eudcational level and in turn general attitude toward ads., attitude toward consumerism. This three variables explain 22.9% of dependent variable's variance. From these findings, the following suggestions are made, First, the consumer education offering informations and learing practical ads. discriminatory competencies should be conducted for all consumers wheather they are educated or not. Also the education to improve the consumer attitude must be. Second, considering misleading level, the business must make the regulatory standards and reinforce the regulation voluntarily, and by enforcing the regulation of ads. and deciding more diverse, objective and exact standards, the government should keep the consumer's right to know.