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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1990;28(2):57-72.
논문편 : 대전지역 저소득층 주거환경의 질적인 개선에 관한 연구
대전실업전문대학 유아교육과
A Study on the Quality Improvement of Housing Environment in Low-Income Families of Daejeon Area
The purpose of this study were ; (1) to analyze the relationship between actual housing condition and housing satisfaction with socio-demographic and housing characteristics of respondents and (2) to present the device on the quality of housing environment in low-income families. The sample was a proportional, stratified, random sample of 299 low-income families in Deajeon. The major findings were as follows: 1) The wholey, actual housing conditions were not good; especially the worst conditions appeared exterior walls, roof, kitchen, bath and toilet, heating, noise, recreation facilities as play-ground. 2) Actual housing condition has been found to be related to income, tenure(rent or own), persons/room. In the relation of the socio-demographic and housing characteristics, actual housing condition, housing satisfaction, income and persons/room were found to be a significant explanatory variable in actual housing condition. And actual housing condition ws appeared to be the strongest variable in housing satisfaction. 3) Housing of the low-income families should be improved physical aspects of the environment and be reflected in need of the occupant that based on the social-welfare housing concept.
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