Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1990;28(2):1-14.
논문편 : 초현실주의 예술의 조형성과 Schiaparelli 의상디자인
건국대학교 생활문화대학 의상학과
Surrealist Art and Elsa Schiaparelli's Fashion Design )
The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between Surrealism and Schiaparelli's fashion design in the 1930s. Surrealism, derived from Dadaism, was based on Freud's analysis of dream imagery and human sexual behavior. Its style was characterized by the partial figure and the dislocation of body part, and the placement of the figure and its part in unanticipated settings. The objective of Surrealism was to exploit the unconsciousness and the interpretation of the body became an abiding. Surrealists were interested in the nature of clothing and in the specific characteristic of fashion, so, they moved into the world of fashion; fashion advertising window display and fashion photograph. The fantasy of Surrealism stimulated Schiaparelli to use wit and shock tactics, bold and unusual combination of colors, striking embroideries with crazy themes like circus and astrology. The character of her clothes was boldness and chic. She created humorous trompe-l'oel sweater, leg of mutton sleeve, tweed evening suit, shocking pink, peculiar accessories such as hats and buttons. She collaborated with many artists like Dali, Cocteau and Berard, and drew on all the latest artistic trends into the fashion arena from Cubism and African Art to Surrealism. Her Surrelist dress provided a play of illusions and affected today;s avant-grade style.