논문편 : 도시주부의 혼 , 제례에 대한 의식과 행동에 관한 연구 |
이정우 |
숙명여자대학교 가정관리학과 |
A Study for the City Housewives' Sense and Behavior of Wedding and Ancestral Service |
이정우 |
The purpose of this study is to investigate 1) the level of the city housewives' sense and behavior of wedding and ancestral service according to the background variables, 2) the relationship of the sense of wedding and ancestral service and behavior, and 3) what the most influential factors are. For the purpose of this study, 700 questionnaire were distributed to the housewives who live in Seoul and collected during the February 1989. And the measuring instruments are composed of 9 questions, 11 questions of the sense of wedding service, 12 questions of the sense of ancestral service, 11 questions of the behavior of wedding service, and 12 questions of the behavior of ancestral service. To obtain the sense and behavior of wedding and ancestral service scale, item analysis through Pearon's correlation and factor analysis, frequency distribution, percentile, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, Pearson's γ, Paired-t-test, Duncan's Multiple Range Test, and Stepwise multiple Regression were used for data analysis. The major fidnigs are as follows: 1. The general tendency of the city housewives' sense of wedding service was modern. That of the city housewives' sense of ancestral service was the mid level of the traditional and the modern. According to background variable (ie: age, educational level, the number of children, the duration of marriage, religion, the existence of job, the existence of married son and daughter), the city housewives' sense of wedding service is different significantly. Accoring to background variable(ie: age, educational level, the average home income a month, the number of children, the duration of marriage, religion, the existence of married son and daughter), the city housewives' sense of ancestral service is different significantly. 2. The general tendency of the city housewives' behavior of wedding service was modern. That of the city housewives' behavior of ancestral service was somewhat modern. According to background variable(ie: age, educational level, the number of children, the duration of marriage, the existence of married son and daughter, the form of family), the city housewives' behavior of wedding service is different significantly. According to background variable(ie" age, educational level, the number of children, the duration of marriage, religion, the existence of job, the existence of married son and daughter), the city housewives' behavior of ancestral service is different significantly. 3. There were positive correlation between the city housewive' sense and behavior of wedding and ancestral service(P<.001). And the housewives' sense of wedding service was modernized than that of ancestral service, the housewives' behavior of ancestral service was modernized than that of wedding service. 4. The city housewives' sense of wedding service was the duration of marriage(β=-.226), influential factor. And influential factors on that of ancestral service were educational level(β=.250), the existence of married son and daughter(β=-.123), number of children(β=-.101). The influential factors on the city housewives' behavior of wedding service were age(β=-.193), the form of family(β=.097). And that of ancestral service were educational level(β=165), the number of children(β=-.157). |