Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1990;28(1):21-41.
논문편 : 중앙아시아의 신에 관한 연구 - 타지크 ( Tadzhik )를 중심으로 -
건국대학교 예술대학 의상학과
A Study on the Foot Wear -On the Tadzhik of central Asia-
All the cultures are enriched and developed themselves through the contact with another culture, which propagate and transplant its new cultural elements to a time-honoured tradition. Therefore, the investigation of the origin of each culture means to find out the all the elements of each culture itself in the end. In Korean Costume, we can find both the Costume of frizid jone and that of temperate jone togther, effected by the influence of typical continental climate. Accordingly, we can also realize that both Lee, of southern tribe and Haw, of northern tribe suitable for the protection of cold weather, existed in Korea. Even Lee and Hwa were used together, Hwa had been appeared earlier than Lee along with the Skitai Costume and we can find its origin in the line of Skitai costume. In Central Asia, Tadjhik was the only race tracing their ancestry from ancient Iranic genuinely and they had been keeping the culture of Skitai origin continuously. The purpose of this thesis is to examine Korean's own culture of the footwear through the investigation of Tadjhik's culture of costume, specially through the culture of Tadjhik footware. To reach the conclusion of this thesis, the comparision and investigation between Korea and Tadjhik was made carefully for the followings, culture of life and costume, forms and materials of footwear. 1. The treasers and boots made by leather and felt was the origin of costume culture of Central Asia and aboves were appeared in persian costumn for the first time. We can consider that those had connection with Korean culture of costume. 2. Form of Tadjhik footwear can be devided by hwa and Lee, and there was a big difference in form between that of mountain area and plain area. We can find more rariety in footwear of mountain area. 3. If we compare the form of Hwa and Lee of Tadjhik with our own footwear, we can find out many things in common and there are lots of similarities particularly in form and material. 4. We can say that the difference of Tadjhik and Korean was the preference of Hwa for Tadjhik and Lee for Korean, aboves came from the different totography, climate condition and life style. 5. The form of male and female footwear of tadjhik was almost similar, but female footwear had various and beautiful decorations for the ornament. 6. The materials of Tadjhik footwear was mostly leather, and Hwa was used particularly for labour purposes. 7. We can expect that Tadjhik of Central Asia and Korea had a similar orgin and style on the footwear. It can be expected that we can find out many common things in further investigation of the study of Tadjhik costume and will exert the examination continuously.