Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1990;28(1):9-20.
논문편 : 이세이 미야께 ( Issey Miyaka )의 의상에 나타난 형태미와 상징성에 관한 연구
건국대학교 생활문화대학 의상학과
A Study on the Form and Symbolism of Issey Miyake Dress
The purpose of this study was to identify the original quality of design by Issey Miyake and the relationship between the modern expression of art and his design regarding the form, internal symbolism, and Japanese tradition. The bottom current of the modern expression of art has two current: intention to autonomy or purism and intention to contingency. According to analysis of Miyake's design, it was found that Miyake has directed his attention to coexistance of fabric and the body with a pure fluid sculptured form based on two dimensional rectangular fabric. And his plasticity of dress was also made against the fitted structure form and idea of Haute Couture, emphasizaing on his own creativity and insisting on a creative collaboration between the designer and wearer. Finally, the fact that his design was inflnenced by traditionalison of Japanese costume and current modern expression of art was proved.