Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1989;27(4):139-150.
논문편 : 청년기 자녀의 성역할 정체감과 부모의 양육행동과의 관계
한국교육개발원 연구원
The Adolescent's Sex Role Identity and Perceived Parent Behaviors
The present study was designed to answer the following questions: 1) Is there and relationship between the adolescent's sex role identity and perceived parent behavious? 2) Is there any gender differences in perceived parent behavious? 3) Is there any interaction effect between sex role identity and gender in perceived parent behaviors? 109 male and 101 female undergraduates from the five universities in Seoul served as subjects in this investigation. Subjects were administered the Parent Behavior From (PBF) and the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) in counterbalanced order. A4 (sex-role identity)×2(gender) multivariate analysis of variance was performed for the perceived paternal and maternal behaviors separately. The simultaneous confidence intervals for pairwise comparison were followed when the MANOVA was significant. In testing all hypotheses, .05 was used as a significance level in this study. For the perceived paternal behavious, 1) The androgynous group, compared with the undifferentiated group, reported greater father warmth, active involvement, greater encouragement of cognitive independence, cognitive curiosity, cognitive competence, achievement control, and conformity. 2) The androgynous individuals showed higher father warmth, congitive independence, curiosity, and cognitive competence than the feminine individuals. 3) The androgynous individuals were found to have significantly higher father warmth than the masculine individuals. For the perceived maternal behaviors, there was a significant difference between gender groups in conformity. Daughters reported higher conformity than sons. The interaction effect between sex-role identity and gender, however, was not found to be significant.