Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1989;27(4):51-58.
논문편 : 서울지역 대학생의 외식실태 및 기호도 조사연구 (2)
동국대학교 대학원 가정학과 대학원생
A Study on the State of Eating out and Food Preference of College Students in Seoul (II)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the state of eating out and the food preference of college students in Seoul. This survey was carried out through questionaires, and the subjects were 158 male and 159 female students. The results obttained were summarized as follows; 1) Students who took late evening meal at home after eating out were 35.7% and most of the reasons were to custom. 2) During eating out, 30% of students had drinking. Male students had Soju (45.6%), and female had Beer (56.0%). 3) The most cases in date time, eating out cost were 5,000w. They were fond of Western Restaurant and the favorite food were Dongas. 4) Freqency of eating out with family had more than once a month (35%), because of a memorial day and event day, and the most favorite food was Sogalbigui. 5) Male and female students's choice in food at restaurant type were very different. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------