Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1989;27(1):111-126.
논문편 : 도시 가정주부의 가사노동시간변화와 구조에 관한 연구
부산대학교 대학원 가정관리학과
A Study on the Household Work Time's Change and Its Structure in Urban Home Makers
The aim of the present study is to research into the household work time change and its structure in urban home makers by the choosen eleven studies and KBS's Data 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987. This study were proceeded under some limitations, it is choosen eleven studies that is different region: large city, medium and small town, and the household work's categories of original auther were changed. And KBS's Data was composed of general formation without personal character of home maker: FLC, number of childeren, family type, education, region. Although this study have a certain meaning of implementation, research into the household work time change and its's structure. The major findings of this study can be autlined as follows: (1) Total household work time did'nt so much changed through the choosen eleven studies compared with the last twenty years ago. In the change of each province household work time, time connected with meals and dwelling did not showed consistancy of change. But cloth laundering and mending time of 80's were declined compared with 70's. Family care time of 80's was increased, home management and buying time was declined untill '85, but again increasing trend '87. In choosen eleven studies, the household work time structure of urban home makers can be outlined: time connected with Meals>Family care>Cloth laundering and mending>Dwelling>Home management and Buying. (2) KBS's time-series data were analized as follows: a) Total household work time of '87 was declining gradually in weekday (34 minutes), sat. (41 minutes), sun (1 house and 2 minutes) compared with '81. b) The change of each province household work time: the time of cooking and sewing home management were declining gradually in its Mean time and its ratio of acters. The acter ratio of household worker in '81, '83, '85 was composed Cooking > Cleaning > Laundering > Home management > Buying > Child care > Sewing. In '87 was composed Cooking > Cleaning > Laundering > Buying > Home management > Child care > Sewing. c) The structure of household work time revealed some differences in each year and a day of the week.