Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1989;27(1):85-96.
논문편 : 아파트 내부소음에 대한 거주자 태도 및 적응행위에 관한 연구
연세대학교 가정대학 주생활학과
A Study on the Residents' Attitudes and Adaptation Behavior of Indoor Noise in Apartment Houses
The purpose of study was to survey the indoor noise of apartment houses, residents, attitudes and their adaptation behavior in order to offer the information helpful to apartment designers and residents, in their housing policy. Documentary research and questionnaire survey methods were used in this research. The sample was taken from 187 housewives living in apartments in Seoul. Data were analyzed with the SPSS program. The results were as follow : 1. It was found that apartment residents pointed out washing machine noise inside the home, piano and other musical instruments noise outside the home. 2. Piano and other musical instrument noise were heard at 3 to 6 pp.m. when residents heard the noise, and water supply and drainage noise in bathrooms were found most noisy. 3. Apartment residents were discontent with noise outside the home, and they displayed positive adaptation behavior at a reduced noise level. 4. Attitudes arising from indoor noise in apartment houses and human noise, water supply and drainage noise, doorway opening and closing noise were found to be significant in sampled apartment groups. 5. The youngest child's age was a significant variable on the residents' attitudes and adaptation behavior of indoor noise in apartment houses. 6. Between the resident' attitudes and adaptation behavior involving indoor noise in apartment houses. 6. Between the resident' attitueds and adaptation behavior involving indoor noise apartment houses, the more they became discontented, the more quickly they adapted in a postive manner.