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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1989;27(1):9-17.
논문편 : 청년기 남성의 의복구매 및 사용시 정보원 활용과 불만족요인에 관한 연구
동아대학교 자연과학대학 의류학과
A study on the use of Information Source and the Consumer Dissatisfaction in the Purchase and Use of Clothing of Young men
The purpose of this study is to explore the use of fashion information source and the consumer dissatisfaction factors in the purchase and use of clothing, and to explain the relationships between the use of fashion information source and the consumer dissatisfaction factors of young man. For the study, data were collected from 254 freshman, 258 male seniors, and 229 unmarried male workers using the questionaire method. The data from 741 respondents were analyzed by Pearson's Product-moment coefficient corrleation, ANOVA, T-TEST, and Scheff Test. The results of the study are as follows : 1. There were significant differences in the use of information source such as. 1) according to the group, the impersonal advocate source, and the impersonal independent source. 2) according to the job, the impersonal advocate source. 2. There were significant differences in the consumer dissstisfaction factor such as. 1) according to the group, the "product assortment" related factor. 2) According to the job, the "quality" related factor. 3. There were partly significant relationships between the use of information source and consumer dissatisfaction factor. 1) In the young men, the use of the impersonal advocate source, impersonal independent source, personal independent source, and observation had correlated with the dissatisfaction factor related to "purchase-decision making".
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