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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(4):67-85.
논문편 : 3세대 동거가정의 주관적 주거과밀에 관한 연구
이화여자대학교 가정관리학과
A Study on Subjective Residential Crowding of Three Generation Family
This study focused o investigating the variables dauther-in-law and mother-in=-law's subjective household crowding. And which is the best index among space per person, persons per room, and the number of family members was the next issue. the results of this study were as follows. 1. Variables that effected on the dauther-in-law's subjective household crowding were expectation about the number of rooms, the educational level of the dauther-in-law, duration of marriage, educational level of mother-in-law, space per person. In the case of mother-in-law, these were duration of marriage, space per person, expectation about the number of rooms, educational level of mother-in-law. 2. The best objective household crowding index was the space per person. Finally we need to look at the suv-dimension that composed of subjective household crowding of the old.
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