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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(4):53-65.
논문편 : 도시 주부의 식품 소비 구조 변화와 미래의 식생활 향상을 위한 연구
연세대학교 가정대학 식생활학과
Research for Changes in Food Consumption Patterns of Urban Resides and Future Perspective of Dietary Life
In the study, the dietary survey was conducted in Seoul, Dae-jeon, Gwangju, Pusan, from march to April in 1988. A Questionnaire was prepared and distributed to 1583 house wives in order to find out their attitude of meal management and their way of thinking in dietary life. The results were summarized as follows: 1) 34.4% of the subjects prepared daily menu. In planning menu, the major consideration shifted from husband to all family members and the most emphasizes meal changed from breakfast to supper. 2) Most of the subjects were making use of substitute food. They were satisfied with the convenience and taste of the convenience foods. Improvements in nutrition, sanitation and price of convenience food made increase of its consumption. 3) The survey has shown that the main purpose of eating is to satisfy nutrition. and in the choice of food, most subjects regarded its taste as the most important factor.
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