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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(4):15-30.
논문편 : 도시 및 농촌 거주 주부의 식습관에 관한 연구
계명대학교 가정대학 식생활과
A Study on the Food abits of Housewives Living in Urban area and Rural Area
The purpose of this study is to collect basic data which will be effective in performing nutrional education. This study was conducted at Taegu area and adjacentrural area from June to July in 1986. The completely answered questionnaires were analyzed for food habits, purchase of food, the sources of nutrition information and general characteristics of housewives of 20's to 50's. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1) The major food of breakfast was boiled rice (93.9%). With decreasing level of education and in rural area, the percent of boiled rice was higher. 2) The frequency of eating out with family is higher in urban area, younger age, and nuclear family. 3) The preference for eating between meals appeared in order of bread and cakes, cookies, and the others. 4) The preference for desserts appeared in order of fruits, coffee, the other, coarse tea, adlay tea, and gingseng tea. 5) The purchasing place for vegetables and fruits was market (53.5%) on the whole, but in rural area, the percent of self production was higher (63.6%). 6) With increasing age and decreasing level of education, the percent of accuracy of nutrition knowledge was lower. 7) Sources in the knowledge of nutrition appeared in order of Radio and T.V., relatives, cookbooks, newspapers and magazines, lectures in cooking school. In order to promote nutritional status of family, nutritional education for housewives must be accomplished in the first place.
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