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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(4):1-13.
논문편 : 시판 내의류 소재의 수분특성 및 착용감에 관한 연구 (Ⅰ) - 시판 내의류 소재의 수분특성 -
서울대학교 가정대학 의류학과
A Study on Moisture Related Properties and Human Sensations of Underwear (1) -A Study on Water and Water Vapor Transport characteristics of Underwear Fabrics-
The purpose of this study is to investigate water and after vapor transport characteristics of underwear fabrics. Experimental materials were cotton woven fabric and cotton knitted fabric, nylon tricot (untreated and hydrophilic finished) and cotton/polyester/cotton triple layer. Cotton knitted fabric have three types of knit structure (interlock, rib, plain stitch) and knit with either 38's or 60's combed yarn. And cotton woven fabric have plain weave with 60's combed yarn. As experimental methods, vapor cup test, dynamic method, vertical wicking test and transplanar uptake test were used. The results are as follows. 1) In cotton specimens, the order of water vapor transpiration (wvt) was plain > rib > interlock in the same yarn diameter. The knit fabric of thinner yarn showed the better wvt among the same knit structure. 2) In cotton specimens, the order of water absorbency was interlock > rib > plain in the same yarn diameter. the knit fabric of thicker yarn showed the better absorbency among the same knit structure. 3) When knit fabric (60's plain) is compared with woven fabric 960's plain), knit fabric showed faster rate of wvt, more amount of uptake and slower rate of water uptake than woven fabric did. 4) When compared untreated nylon with hydrophilic finished nylon, hydrophilic finished nylon showed much more water absorbency than untreated nylon did, but showed same rate of wvt. 5) The water transport characteristics of triple layer underwear fabric showed that the thinner and the lighter one, the better wvt and absorbency did.
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