Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(3):125-134.
논문편 : 공동주택 관리업무 유형화에 관한 연구
인제대학 가정관리학과
A Study on Classification of the Management Works in the Apartment House
This study is for classification of the management works in the Apartment House. The approach of this study depends on the consultation of concerned references and direct interview by structured questionnaire. The management works are classified and compared, analysized with foreign cases. 1) It is 13 hour a day to carring out the management works in the Board. 2) Compared the management works in the Apartment House with England and the united states, the leaders, they are the first I performing all of management. The secondaries are the Japan and Korea. Specially Japan is collecting data in the maintenance. In case of Korea, they are performing all of management but little. We expect a more thoroughgoing preinvestigation, control of planning and management of community life for the inhabitants in time to come. 3) the management works of the Apartment House are classified three types. circled1management of administration circled2 management of maintenance circled3 management of community life control.