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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(3):93-102.
논문편 : 동부와 녹두전분 Gel 및 Paste 의 Rheological Properties
연세대학교 가정대학 식생활학과
Rheological Properties of Cowpea and Mung Bean starch Gels and Pastes
Rheological properties of cowpea and mung bean starch gels and pastes were investigated and compared with Instron Universal Testing machine and Brabender Viscometer. As the result of puncture test of gels, yield point force of mung bean starch gel was higher than that of cowpea starch gel. Compression coefficient of cowpea starch gel calculated by Bourne's equation was lower than that of mung bean starch gel. the stress relaxation test showed that viscoelastic properties of cowpea and mung bean starch gels may be represented by six element Maxwell model consisting of three Maxwell element in parallel. Cowpea and mung bean starch pastes showed bingham pseudoplastic behavior in 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8%. The consistency index in 7∼8% of cowpea starch paste were lower than those of mung bean starch paste. concentration dependence on consistency index and yield stress in mung bean starch were higher than those of cowpea starch. The yield stress of starch pastes was significantly correlated with yield point force by puncture test (r=0.996).
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