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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(2):49-67.
논문편 : 현대 도시 주거의 질 (質) 예측을 위한 개념적 모형에 관한 연구 - 서울과 대전 지역을 중심으로 -
대전실업전문대학 가정관리과
A Study on a Conceptual Model for Housing Quality in Urban Area
The purpose of this study was to present a conceptual model for predicting housing quality. Housing quality was measured in three ways: perceived quality about physical features of houses, perceived level of the quality in comparison with perceived average level I urban area and housing satisfaction. The specific objectives to achieve the purpose were ; 1) to measure the perceived quality about physical features of houses and perceived level of the quality in comparison with the perceived average level I urban 2) to measure the level of housing satisfaction 3) to clarify the causality between the composite variables of housing quality. A final instrument was developed through two stage pilot surveys. The respondents were 1292 homemakers of middle and high economic class in seoul and Daejeon, selected through stratified random sampling technique. Data were collected during March and April, 1986, and analyzed using SPSS and SAS computer packages. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, F-test, Duncan's Multiple Range, x2, Cramer's V, Multiple linear Regression, Path analysis. The major finding were as follows; the variables significantly related to predict the housing quality were found. The simple, composite variables and 3 measures of housing quality were linked using path analysis, thereby a conceptual model predicting housing quality was suggested.
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