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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(2):1-13.
논문편 : 체형별 상지동작에 따른 상체의 체표면 변화에 관한 연구 - 남자대학생을 중심으로 -
부산대학교 가정대학 의류학과
A Study on the Variation of the Body surface Area by the Arm movements to Somatotype -The Subject of the College Men-
The purpose of this study was to classify somatotype of males, to show changes of the body skin surface by the somatotype. The size of sample was 156 males between age 20 and 24. Somatotype classified into Bending somatotype, Standard somatotype, Turning over somatotype. And according to the somatotype, changing of the upper part of the body by the arm movements analyzed through gypsum experiment. The result obtained from this study were as follows; 1. the variation of the upper part of the body form by changing the am movements, by the increasing of movements, shoulder-point ws moved to be inside or upside, the anterior armpit point & armpit point were moved to the upside. 2. As a result of investigating into the rate of the expansion and contraction of the basic lines and body surface area by the arm movements, the rate of expansion and contraction of the basic lines by the arm movements, the side sea length showed the maximum rate of extension in 135 degrees, the shoulder length showed the maximum rate of contraction in 135 degrees. The rate of expansion and contraction on the body surface area by the arm movements showed the phenomenon of contraction, of items F1, F6, B1, B9 showed the phenomenon of extension, of items F3, F4, F8, F9, B8, B9. 3. According to somatotypes, items which show the significant difference were, of items f3, f8, b3, b8, F2, F7, F8, B3, B7, in all movements.
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