Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(1):97-108.
논문편 : 한국 문갑 유형에 대한 소비자의 미의식과 선호
연세대학교 가정대학 주생활학과
Aesthetic Perception and Preference on the Characteristics of Traditional Korean Document Chest
The purpose of this study is to classify the type of the Korean document chest, mungab through the literature and market survey and to investigate the preference on characteristics of the mungab. It also attempts to find out the aesthetic perception of the type of mungab by using semantic differential scales. A pilot study was conducted to select the types and pictures of the mungab. Three types and six pictures of mungab were selected. Six hundred homemakers of middle and upper class residing in seoul area were selected for the survey and 449 among them were used for data analysis. Data were analyzed using the SPSS program. The major findings are as follows: 1) The esult of pilot test, the presentative characteristics of mungab were classified into naive type, unique type, and elaborate type. 2) it was found that the modernized style of traditional mungab was wood grain and the next one was Najonchiligi. In the characteristics of decoration which was symbolic pattern, Shi-Jang-Saeng was predominant. In wanting style when they buy, the modernized style of traditional Korean chest was predominant, too. 3) Young and low income group preferred modern style using transparent paint and Sa-Goon-Ja, letters in the symbolic patterns of decoration. Old and high income group preferred traditional style using splendid and expensive materials and Ship Jang Saeng in the symbolic decoration. 4) compared with types of mungab in aesthetic perception, modern style of the traditional mungab was evaluated more positively than traditional style. The young and low income group perceived the naive type and unique type positively, but the old and high income group perceived the elaborate type the most positively.