Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(1):73-82.
논문편 : 미취학 아동의 영양섭취실태 및 환경적 영향요인의 조사 연구
경남대학교 가정교육과
A survey of nutritional status and the effect of environmental factor of preschool children.
This survey was undertaken to evaluate the correlationship between the nutrients intakes and the environmental factors that was assumed to influence to them in the preschool children in Masan city. Their average energy intake was met with the korean recommended dietary Allowance(RDA), and the other nutrients intakes exceeded to. The percentage of carbohydrate, fat and protein among daily total energy intakes was showed 67 : 18 : 15 in order and it is similar to the proposal-value of RDA. The higher socioeconomic level of family, and educational degree of their parent were, the more amounts of nutrients intakes inc4eased. Especially educational level of mother can affect the amounts of nutrients intakes greatly. It is considered that the development of nutritional program for the more concrete and various education for their patron should be done.