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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(1):51-59.
논문편 : 칼슘급원 및 보존료 첨가가 김치 발효중 비타민 함량변화에 미치는 영향
신구전문대학 식품영양과
Effect of Calcium-Sources and Preservatives on the Changes of Vitamins during Kimchi Fermentation
In the present study, an attempt was made to observe the effect of calcium-sources and preservatives on Kimchi fermentation. After pre-fermentation at room temperature for 16 hours, each Kimchi was stored at 4oC. Changes of vitamin contents(vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin and β-carotene) during the fermentation of Kimchi were determined. It was also attempt to relate the fermentation of Kimchi with the changes in chemical and organoleptic characteristics, such as pH, total acidity and reducing sugar. The findings were summarized as follows; 1. During Kimchi fermentation, the pH decreased steady and total acidity increased slowly in the follow order: K-Sorbate+acetic acid, k-Sorbate, Ca-Lactate and Control. the lower of pH and the higher of total acidity, the less of reducing sugar was remained. 2. changes of total vitamin C and reduced ascorbic acid contents during the Kimchi fermentation did not differ significantly from each other. At the begining of fermentation, Kimchi samples contained 20~25mg/100g of total vitamin C and 5~14 mg/100g of reduced ascorbic acid. In the final stage, however, 15~19 mg/100g of total vitamin C and 1~3 mg/100g of reduced ascorbic acid were remained. 3. The contents of thiam in and riboflavin were 30 to 42 meg/100g and 50 to 67 meg/100g at the initial stage, respectively. They increased with the degree of maturity (approximately 2 times of the content of the initial stage) and then gradually decreased. The content of β-carotene was found to be decreased with the degree of maturity. 4. The results of sensory evaluation indicated that Kimchi added with Ca-Carbonate, Ca-Carbonate+acetic acid and Ca-lactate were better than Control.
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