Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1988;26(1):1-9.
논문편 : Mathura 불의의 양식에 관한 연구
동국대학교 가정학과
A study on the type of mathura buddha's costume
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between Mathura and gandhara Buddha's costume, and to observe the types and unique style of Mathura Buddha's costume. I classified all types of Mathura Buddha's costume by and largely and researched the feature of each type and creases of costume with the focus criterion works of that. The results are followed ① dress method of pt on left shoulder ; The early years ·a statue of standing : It is traced back to kaniska 2, 3 years before ·a seated figure : It is traced back to the latter of ksatraka period than a statue of standing The expression of costume creases is a way of expressing pure Indolike of mathura peculity ② dress method of put on right and left shoulder : the latter years It can be said that there is closeness with Gandhara Buddha's costume in method of creases. Mathura is center of Buddha's statue and influences to Gandhara with each other. Also mathura has developed peculiarly and at last Mathura made the masterpiece of Buddha's statue of Gupta period to acme of the 5 century.