Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1987;25(4):63-71.
논문편 : 임신부의 섭식변화에 관한 조사연구
박미혜 , 안홍석
A Stduy on Dietary Changes during Pregnancy
Mi Hye Park , Hong Seok Ahn
Interviews of 208 women concerning dietary changes during pregnancy were under-rtaken from September 1986 to January 1987 at the medical centers in Seoul and Kyung Ki. 84% of the total subjects felt the morning sicksnes such as nausea and vomiting within the first trimester of pregnancy. There was a significant correlation between the experience of moring sickness and some environmental factors such as school carreer, food intake in early pregnancy, the number of meals and taking of medicines for promoting nutrition. Foods for which specifie cravings were frequently cited were fruits, meats, cold noodle, noodle and chinese food. Foods of aversions were Kimchi, meats, fish and fatted foods. With regard to beverage, there were the increase in milk and fruint juices consumption and the decrease in coffee ingestion during early pregnancy primarily attributed the concern for feto-maternal health. Possible explanation for these changes associated with pregnancy discussed.