Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1986;24(3):129-141.
논문편 : 사회인구학적 , 심리적 변인이 디자인 평가에 미치는 영향
A Study on Consumers Design Evaluation Affected by Demographic and Psychological Variables
Young Soon Park
The purpose of this study was to test both psychological and demographic variables and their relationship to the consumers design evaluation with reference to television sets and refrigerators. The survey questionnaire consisted of three distinct areas: 1) demographic information about the subjects, 2) their interest in design and need for design, 3) their evaluation of‘ideal’designs the subjects were 900 adults selected from middle and high economic level in Seoul. The major findings were the‘ideal’design of the subjects was affected by interest in design and the need for design. The need for design was related to either self-esteem or to esteem of others. Interest in design and need for self-esteem were affected by demographic variables but the need for esteem of others was not.