Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1986;24(2):113-122.
논문편 : 취학전 아동의 색선호와 인성간의 관련성에 관한 연구
이연숙 , 이의준 , 정문자
Personality and color preference of preschool children
Yeun Sook Lee , Eui Joon Lee , Moon Ja Chung
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality and color preference, thereby to suggest a personality profile on the basis of colors selected for children's preference. Materias used to determine the degree of color preference were 24 color papers which were developed and described in a previous research by Lee & Lee. The Instrument used ot determine children's personality was Burks' Behavior Rating Scales-Preschool and Kindergarten Edition. Subjects wee 70 3-, 4- and 5- year old children attending the Y Child Development research institute. Data were analyzed with SPSS using mainly F-test and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Results showed that among 24 colors used, white, violet, sapphire, sky blue, blue, green yellow, pink, green, red, gold, purple, van dyke brown, blue, green, silver were found to be significantly related to persionality. Judging from this results, white and violet seemed to be most predictive colors to personality. Personality aspects significantly related to specific colors were discussed and a profile of personality based on color preference were developed.