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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1986;24(2):51-62.
논문편 : 곡류 , 야채식이의 영양소 보완이 흰쥐의 성장에 미치는 영향 (Ⅲ)
유춘희 , 홍희옥
Effects of nutritional supplementation of cereal-vegetable diet on the growth of rats (III)
Choon Hie Yu , Hee Ok Hong
This study was designed to observe the effects of nutritional supplementation of general Korean diet on protein metabolism in growing rats. Seventy weanling Sprague-Dawely male rats weighing 76.8±1.45g were blocked into ten groups and fed ten different experimental diets for eight weeks. The rats in cereal-vegetable group were fed ad libitum for all the experimental period and those in other experimental groups were pairfed following the feed intake of rats in C-V gp. Control group was given 72% cornstarch-29% casein diet : C-V gp was fed cerealvegetable diet composed of rice, barley, soybean and Chinese cabbage : the other eight groups were fed C-V diets supplemented with casein, vitamin Bsub 2 calcium, vitamin A, vitamin Bsub 2 and vitamin A, vitamin A and calcium, vitamin Bsub 2 and calcium, vitamin A and vitamin Bsub 2 and calcium, respectively, on the basis of each nutrients content of standard diet.
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