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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1986;24(2):25-35.
논문편 : 대학생의 유니섹스의복에 대한 태도와 일반적인 의복행동과의 상관관계 연구 - 서울지역을 중심으로 -
김여숙 , 김병미
A study on the relationship between unisex clothing attitude and clothing behavior
Yeo Sook Kim , Byeong Mee Kim
The purpose of the study is to research unisex clothing attitude and clothing behavior and to compare the former with the later according to the different sex, the other walks of life and their professional occupations. The factors that one sex clothing has changed to the other sex clothing are illustrated in its attitude and then there are five distinguished parts such as aesthetics, utility, status symbol, conformity and modesty. A common questionaire is introduced for the way to survey them and the sources to measure them are gathered from the former studies for them but some of them are corrected, collegians in the city of Seoul, Sum total ; 578 students including 291 male students and 287 female students are investigated for this research. The date is analyzed by correlation, percentage, mean, analysis of variance and t-test. RESULTS : 1. The affirmative response to the questionaire is reflected stronger by the part of female's cloths changing to male's clothing than by the part of male's cloths changing to female's clothing. 2. Unisex clothing is more affirmative in the group of the same sex persons' living than in the group of the different sex people. 3. A unisex clothing goes for the characteristics of a person but it goes against the modesty. 4. The opinions from the negative group about Unisex clothing show us conspicuous viewpoints compared with them from the affirmative group about it. 5. The number of the group to describe the agreed opinion about Unisex clothing and to point out the trait of any person are so many. 6. While the number of the male group to be right view about Unisex clothing in becoming more and more female style shows us high interesting in status symbol for persons, the female group to agree with female Unisex clothing show us their high concerns at the utility.
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