Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(4):143-152.
논문편 : 학령전 아동형제간의 놀이상황중 즉각적인 모방행동 연구
A study on spontaneous imitation between siblings of preschool children in Free-situation
Sang Hee Kim
This study intends to investigate preschool-sibling's spontaneous imitation during their free-plays through the observation of 41 pairs of siblings aged from 1 to seven years. RESULTS : 1. Sibling's imitation showed in all subjects and had various distribution according to sibling's personalities. 2. Because of sibling's several facts. Their imitation showed differently. 1) Imitation appeared to decline to decline as children grew older. Imitation showed most frequently at the age of 2 years, and decreased after that. 2) Due to the effect of birth-order, the younger one showed his imitation approximately 4.3 times more than the elder one. 3) The effect of sex-composition seemed to coincide with the sex-typing hypothesis rather than the like-sex hypothesis. 4) Boy's imitation showed more frequently than girl's, but the difference was not so significant to be noticed. 3. In siblings, physical imitation was more frequent than verbal imitation, but it was reversed in peer's imitation. 4. The play-situation in which sibling's imitation showed mostly differed from that of Peer's imitation. That is, sibling's imitation appeared in solitary play but peers imitation did appear in associate play.