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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(4):109-121.
논문편 : 주거환경이 고교생의 사회성에 미치는 영향
노영남 , 배옥희
The effects of the residential variables on high school students' social personality
Young Nam No , Ok Hee Bae
This is a study to grasp the correlation between high school students' social persenality and residential environment. THe samples were 197 boys and 200 girls who were attending the high schools located in Pusan. Social personality which contains family relations and social relations was measured by the standardized test of K.T.C. The path-analysis was used to make the causal relations of the collected data clear. RESULTS : 1. Feeling on the residential environment underwent the most potent influence by the floor space per person and social personality by feeling on the residential environment. 2. For the boy-students, the family relations andsocial relations was affected by the case of renthouse, the family relations by the case of noisy residence, and the social relations by the case of no-private room. 3. For the girl-students, the cases of higher stories and having private room made the family relations unharmonious, the cases of narrow floor space per person and the single house made the social relations troublesome, too. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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