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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(4):101-108.
논문편 : 주부의 영양지식과 식습관에 관한 연구 - 서울을 중심으로 -
정순자 , 김화영
Nutrition knowledge and food habits of housewives
Soon Ja Chung , Wha Young Kim
The completely answered questionnaires were analyzed for the nutrition knowledge, food habits, value orientation, and the sources of nutrition information of housewives of 20's to 40's. The subjects had a high level of perceived knowledge, that is the knowledge that each subject believed she hadm but the accuracy of the knowledge was only 51.6%. The mean nutrition knowledge score was 6.63 out of possible 15 points, and food habit score was 5.31 out of 10 points. Most of the subjects belonged to "Good" to "Fair" food habit group, which is considered to be relatively good. With increasing age and decreasing level of education, the percent of perceived knowledge and accuracy, and nutricion knowledge score were getting lower. However, the food habit score was getting higher with increasing age. This suggests that food habit was dependent more upon the length of married life than the nutrition knowledge in housewives. The corelation between nutrition knowledge score and food habit score was low. The economic area was the most concerned area of the subjects, followed by health and social. The scores of utrition knowledge and food abits of the subjects who ranked the health the highest were not different from those of economic and social. TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines were the most important sources of nutrition information.
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