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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(4):79-100.
논문편 : 조선왕조후기의 궁중연회음식의 분석적 고찰
이효지 , 윤서석
An analysis of foods used in the Royal parties during the latter half period of Yi Dynasty
Hyo Gee Lee , Seo Seok Yoon
This study was designed to establish Korean food culture by analyzing 17 sets of Jinyounuigue, Jinchanuigue, and Jinjarkuigue which were the records of royal party procedures in Yi dynasty, Analysis was made on royal parties in terms of table setting, kinds of dishes served, composition of foods, frequency of the food materials used, and food items changed over the period from 1719 to 1902, the latter half period of Yi dynasty. Foods used in those parties were classified into seven groups in this study; rice and noodoes, side dishes, Docks, desserts, fruits and nuts, beverages, and sauces. There were about 10 kinds of steamed rice and noodles including Mandoo and Byungtang, 140 different kinds of side dishes, 53 kinds of Kocks, 142 kinds of various desserts, especially Dasik and Korean cookies, 38 kinds of fruits and nuts, 10 kinds of beverages including Hwachae and Sujeongkwa, and 10 kinds of sauces such as soy sauce, mustard, honey, and etc. There was no tendency in omission or addition of food materials, but the number and heights of dishes were designated by the scale or character of the party. There were unique measuring units that were quite different from metric system. More than 30 different units were appeared in the differences. Most of them were used for typical items such as Sari for noodles only. However some were quite general and used until now. Mal and Dye were the units for volume, Kwan and Kuen for weight, and Chock and Chon for length.
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