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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(4):33-54.
논문편 : 환경온도조건하의 착의표준설정에 관한 조사연구 (Ⅱ) - 착장과 착의중량의 연간변동을 중심으로 -
A field survey on the standard establishment of wearing under environmental thermal conditions II - With emphasis on yearly change of wearing and clothing weight -
Bu Ja Shim
The purpose of this study is to establish the suitable wearing standard under environmental thermal conditions in Pusan. The data is obtained from 50 girl students from April, 1984 to March, 1985. Items of the research are as follows : Environmental conditioni, clothing weight, contents of wearing, clothing climate, wearing order etc. RESULTS : 1. The upper clothing wights are varied considerably with temperature, while the lower are not. 2. The outdoor temperature and the total clothing weights show the high negative correlation of r=-.97 wth regression equation of Y=-37.64X+1692.66. 3. The clothing weight per clo is 390g/m2. 4. Mostly, subjects were 2~7kinds of the upper and 3~5kinds of the lower clothing. 5. The clothing weights on the upper part of the body are heavier than those on the lower part of it. 6. The standard deviation of the obver clothing is larger than that of the under clothing. 7. The clothing shape of comfort-sensation reporter changes with variation of temperature. 8. The clothing climate of the inner layer is 32.26±0.5oC in temperature, 43.6±7% in humidity at four seasons. 9. It is represented that total subjects and comfort-sensation reporter control the wearing contents suitably for temperature. 10. The standard of wearing in Pusan is established as Fig. 6.
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