Standardization of measurements for Korean kitchen work centers and cabinets for future design criteria III - Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Actual Measurements -
Won , Yeun Sook Lee , Hwa Kyoung Shin , Young Ah Oh , Chan Ohk Oh , Seong Hee Yoo , Byung Sook Choi , Hee Jae Choi
This is the third consecutive study on the 'Standardization of Measurements for Korean Kitchen work cneters and cabinets for future design criteria I, II'. The present research consisted of two studies 1) the examination of attitudes and responses of consumers toward kitchen work centers and cabinets, and 2) comparision of actual measurements with the models suggested in study II. Homemakers of upper and middle class residing in Seoul were selected for the survey: 1,096 survey questionaires on consumer attitudes and 95 questionnaires on actual measurements were used. Data were analyzed using the SAS computer package.