Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(1):49-57.
논문편 : 아파아트 구매자가 인지하는 위험유형에 관한 연구 - 전주지역을 중심으로 -
A study on the Types of perceived risk in consumer's purchasing public apartment
Jong Hae Lee
The central problem of purchasing houses is choice, which is accompanied by perception of risk. Perceived risk is defined as a risk perceived by a consumer subjectively in choice situations. The components of perceived risk are uncertainty and consequence. There are seven types of perceived risk in purchasing houses. Those are financial risk, functional risk, social risk, psychological risk, physical risk, time risk and future opportunity lost risk. The empirical survey about comsumer's purchasing Public Apartment suggests : 1) In general, rspondents perceive relatively high risk in purchasig Public Apartment. 2) Of seven risk types, financial, functionalm, future opportunity lost, time, and social risk correlate highest with overall perceived risk and explain the variance of it. 3) Physical and psychological risks don't correlate significantly with overall perceived risk. From the findings in empirical analysis, consumers are recommended to device riskreduction activities in purchasing Public Apartment. 1. Active information search is needed in purchasing Public Apartment in order to reduce overall perceived risk. 2. Housing concept should change from ownership to rental thinking. 3. Consumers should be accustomed to Housing Loans by bank. 4. Purchasing goals should be established clearly before purchasing houses. 5. Careful deliberation is required and informations from personal sources are useful.