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J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc > Volume 50(7); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2012;50(7):109-116. doi: https://doi.org/10.6115/khea.2012.50.7.109
The Development and Validity of the Parent’s Literacy Interaction Rating Scale for Preschool Children
Seung Hee Son1, Myung Soon Kim2
1Welfare and Development & Guidance, Hannam University
2Department of Child and Family Studies, Yonsei University
Corresponding Author: Seung Hee Son ,Tel: +82-42-629-7437, Fax: +82-42-629-7437, Email: snoopy0214@hanmail.net
Received: September 3, 2012; Revised: September 11, 2012   Accepted: October 12, 2012.
The purpose of this study is to develop a scale for evaluation of Parent’s Literacy Interaction Rating Scale (PLIRS) for preschool children and to examine its validity and reliability. The participants of this study were 342 Korean mothers with children of 3 to 5 year olds. The methods for data analysis included item analysis, factor analysis for construct validity, Pearson correlations between PLIRS and two sub tests of EC-HOME for concurrent validity, and Cronbach’s α for reliability. The item discrimination was determined by comparing the highest and lowest groups using Chi-square (χ2), and Cramer’s V. The 25 items of the scale were found to be satisfactory in item discrimination. The concurrent validity was also identified by correlation between PLIRS and two sub tests of EC-HOME. Factor analysis revealed that the structure of the PLIRS consisted of three factors: ‘open interaction’, ‘directive interaction’, and ‘picture-book reading interaction’. ‘Open interaction’ is based on ‘Whole Language Approach’, such as ‘I have my child write as he/she likes even if they spell wrongly.’ ‘Directive interaction’ is based on ‘Code Emphasis Approach’, such as ‘I have my child take dictation.’ ‘Picture-book reading interaction’ is how parents read picturebook with her/his children, such as ‘When I read a picture book to my child, I ask various questions about a book story.’ The Cronbach’s α for internal consistency reliability range was .78 to .87 for three subscales. It was concluded that PLIRS was valid and reliable to examine the literacy interaction between parents and children in home.
Keywords: parent’s literacy interaction, parents’s literacy interaction rating scale, validity
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