A Study on the Job Satisfaction of Child Care Helpers in Seoul City |
Hae Shin Hwang, Myoung Ja Yun |
Department of Family Welfare, Sangmyung University |
Corresponding Author:
Myoung Ja Yun ,Tel: +82-2-2287-5346, Email: ymjking@hanmail.net |
Received: September 15, 2011; Revised: March 6, 2012 Accepted: April 24, 2012. |
This study aimed to investigate the job satisfaction of child care helpers who are service providers in a child care support project. For this study, 302 child care helpers in ten districts within Seoul participated in the present study. A survey was conducted to collect data concerning their job satisfaction. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and regression using the SPSSWin 16.0 version. The results of this study were as follows. Generally, child care helpers had a high degree of job satisfaction. In addition, they exhibited the highest degree of satisfaction in relationships and the lowest satisfaction in wages. Furthermore, they demonstrated varying degrees of job satisfaction depending on their individual characteristics, activity characteristics, and activity recognition. The results of the present study can provide useful implications in regards to successful child care support projects. |
child care helper, child care support project, child care service, job satisfaction |