Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(4):143-153.
논문편 - 가정관리 분야 : 지체장애주부이 조직적인 행동과 가족구성원의 참여도 조사연구
윤경자 , 지은경
Physically Disabled Homemaker's Organizational Activities and Family Participation
Lee , Eun Kyung Zhi
The objectives of this study were as follows: 1) To describe the group of selected disabled homemakers in terms of demographic and medical variables related to organizational activities in the home and family participation in household activities. 2) To identify those demograhpic and medical variables that were related to organizational activities in the home and family participation in household activities. 3) To identify relationship between organizational activities in the home and family participation in household activities. Questionnaires were given to the selected disabled homemakers living in Seoul. The sample was small(N=35) and it was not random; therefore generalizations could not be made to the population as a whole. Data were analyzed by mean, Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks, and Spearman rank correlation coefficients. Homemaker's organizational activities were measured by 16 items about physical and mental activities from Mumaw's Organizational Activities Index. Family participation in household activities was measured by 8 items about how often family members participated in two areas of household activities: house chores and extra-activities. The results were as follows: 1) The homemaker's higher organizational activities scores were associated with younger homemaker, higher the level of education, small households, and higher the economic status. The homemaker without children performed better organizational household activities. The homemaker with shorter the duration of disability performed better organizational activities. The homemaker who needed crutches for mobility performed better organizational household activities. 2) The homemaker who was younger, higher the level of education, with smaller households, and lower the economic level was helped by husband. Husband helped better the homemaker with shorter the duration of disability in household activities. 3) Factors affecting children's participation in disabled homemaker's house chores and extra-activities were the age of homemaker and the marital status. The homemaker was single and older, the children were more helpful. 4) Task standardization score was the highest among the factors of homemaker's organizational activities and families with a disabled homemaker participated more extensively than families with abled homemaker. 5) Significant intercorrelation was found between the dependent variables.