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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(4):125-132.
논문편 - 가정관리 분야 : 주부의 가사노동 선호성에 영향을 미치는 가족환경적 변인 분석
The Analysis of Family Environmental Variables Affecting the Household Preferences
Gee Sook Lee
The purpose of this study was to see that how about the variables of homemaker's age, marital periods, children numbers, homemaker's employment, family types, house types, family income, homemaker's education level, and the convenience of kitchen and laundry influence on homemaker's household preferences. On this study, the household tasks were classified into the tasks on Care of clothes, Mal preparation and clean-up, Care of the house, Care of the family members, and Marketing and record keeping. Questionaires were given to randomly selected homemakers in Busan in July, 1982. Data from the 736 respones were analyzed according to Multi regression and T-test. The results were as follows: 1. The variables affecting the homemaker's household preferences were marital periods, family income and the convenience of kitchen and laundry. Longer the marital periods, higher the family income and more feeling the convence were taken higher preferences on household tasks. 2. The variable of age was less significantly related to the homemaker's household preferences than the marital periods. 3. The variable of house types was less significantly related to the homemaker's household preferences than the convenience of kitchen and laundry.
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