Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(4):91-98.
논문편 - 식생활 분야 : 팥과 녹두단백질의 첨가수준과 가열처리가 흰쥐의 성장에 미치는 영향
A Study of Elucidation of Protein Quality of Raw and Heated Legumes Fed by Three Different Dietary Levels on Rats
Kyung Soon Choi
Various kinds of legumes have included as essential foods in Korean diet. However, a little attention have been paid on variety of those beans other than soybean. Main purposes of this study is to evaluate the protein quality of raw and cooked, red mung bean. Eighty male, sprague-Dawely rats weighing 50 gram were devided into 16 groups, five rats each. Casein protein from red and mung bean were used was included to after true digestibility of the protein of legemes. After 4 weeks feeding period animals were sacrificed and following data: all determined food intake, body weight gain, F.E.R., pp.E.R. and weights of liver, kidney heart, spleen, testis, pancreas, skeletal muscles. Food intake, body weight gain, F.E.R., pp.E.R. of casein group were higher than those of experimental groups (red bean, mung bean) body weight gain was increased with protein increment in the diet in all groups. The weight of liver showed significant difference between standard group and experimental group. (red bean, mung bean) The nitro gen content of liver and muscles were increased with level of protein in the diets.