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J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc > Volume 50(6); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2012;50(6):55-64. doi: https://doi.org/10.6115/khea.2012.50.6.055
A Study on The Layered Look by Applying Characteristics of Men’s Baeja from The Joseon Dynasty
Jeong-Soon Yeom1, Eun Jung Kim2
1Department of Clothing & Textiles, Chonnam National University
2Department of Clothing & Textiles·Human Ecology Research Institute, Chonnam National University
Corresponding Author: Eun Jung Kim ,Tel: +82-62-530-1347, Fax: +82-62-530-1349, Email: kimej0234@hanmail.net
Received: July 1, 2012; Revised: July 6, 2012   Accepted: August 1, 2012.
This study aims to reinterpret formative elements of Baeja, by applying them to the design of modern clothing. The main objective of the studying Baeja is to propose unique layered look items that can be readily put together for various weather conditions and occasions, be easily wearable and bring out unique individualities. After carefully studying Baeja from Joseon dynasty, flexible and practical layered-look items are designed. The following are the conclusions drawn from the work. First, it is possible to apply Baeja elements, such as the silhouette, traditional materials, and colors, to modern clothes, for a layered-look. Second, Baeja characteristics have a profound potential for a modern layered-look design, in that it is sleeveless, its length is long at the front and short at the back, and it comes with slits on both sides and a wide belt. The items inspired by such characteristic can easily be worn over and draped around daily clothes, according to weather conditions and occasions. Third, many decorative elements of Baeja, including detailed ornamental method, knots, patchworks, and string decorations create a unique and traditional image in modern clothes. Ribbonswhich can adjust the width of clothes are both practical and decorative. A reversibl jacket is created by utilizing the same traditional sewing method for both inner and outer fabrics. One item can be worn in different styles, which increases practicality. Fourth, traditional and modern materials go well together. Such methods can create an item with both modern sensibility and traditional chic.
Keywords: men’s Baeja, layered look, traditional ornament method, traditional materials
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