Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(4):69-81.
논문편 - 의생활 분야 : 환경요소면으로 본 의복의 인간공학적 연구 (Ⅱ) - 의복의 소매길이와 바지길이가 피부온 및 감각에 미치는 영향 -
An Ergonomics Study of Clothing in an Environmental Aspect - Effects of the Sleeve and Pants Length to Skin Temperature, Thermal Sensation and Feeling of Restriction
Jeon Sook Rhie
Eight female subjects aged between 19 and 21 years old were used to compare 4 kinds of sleeves and pants length estimates of the effect of skin temperatures and thermal and restricted sensation. The subjects were exposed to climatic conditions between 23, RH 655% while repose and exercise. Mean skin temperature became higher according to the sleeves and pants length. 4 kinds of shirts and pants always covered back and chest, but skin temperature of these parts are affected by the length of clothes. Thigh, uppar arm and shin which are covered or uncovered according to the lengh of the sleeve and pants, skin temperature of these parts became higher when convered with clothes than when uncovered. The subjects ballots warmer and more restricted sensation after exercise than after repose and when wear the long sleeved shirts and slacks that when wear the no sleeve shirts and short shorts. In conclusion, three quarter sleeved shirts and pedal pushers are recommended for the rest clothes and no sleeved shirts and shorts for the sports wear under the preceding conditions.