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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(4):53-67.
논문편 - 의생활 분야 : 노년층여성의 의복구성을 위한 체형분석 연구
김혜경 , 장승옥
An Analysis of Somatotype of Elderly Women with Implications for Clothing Construction
Hae Kyung Kim , Sng Ok Jang
Physical measurements of 181 Korean elderly women, aged 60 through 79, living in the Seoul area, were taken in 1981 in order to analyze their body types and to study clothing construction according to their body types. The study was composed of 117 items in all; 35 items in measurements, 1 items in Rohrer index, 68 items in physical index to stature and bust girth, and 14 items in proportion, Coefficients of correlation among body dimensions were used. The results from this analysis are as follows: 1) The most significant changes in body dimensions in advanced age were the decrease of bust height and the increase of both abdomen girth and waist girth. 2) Distinct physical changes did not appear until advanced senescence(70~79 years of age). 3) In the three somatotype groups(thin, average, and plump) categorized by their Rohrer index, the dimensions that remained unchanged in senescence were back waist length and front waist length ; the dimensions that varied most significantly in senescence were the waist measurements. 4) As a result of the analysis of coefficients of correlation among the body dimensions of the 3 figure groups categorized by the Rohrer index, the fundamental dimensions for establishing the size of ready-to-wear garments of elderly women were the stature, bust girth and center back length in upper garments. 5) The result of the analysis of physical index and proportion of the 3 figure groups showed that the more plump a figure might be, the ratio of depth to width measurements increased; the back waist height was higher and trunk enlarged. 6) The 9 figure categorized by their Rohrer index and stature showed that the percentage of women in the category of“normal figure”decreased more in advanced senescence than during early senescence. 7) An analysis of variation of the 9 figure groups, the stature and other items for a short and thin figure were the smallest, and for a tall and plump figure, the largest.
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An Analysis of the Case Study on Fashion Show Planning and Production  2003 November;41(11)
A Study on Somatotype of Elderly Women  1996 April;34(2)
An Analysis of Torso somatotype according to age group of Elderly Women  1995 June;33(6)
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