Department of Childhood Education, Mok Won University
Corresponding Author:
Min Jung Kang ,Tel: +82-042-829-7386, Email:
Received: September 30, 2011; Revised: October 11, 2011 Accepted: December 2, 2011.
This research investigated the difficulties in parenting influenced by the mother’s characteristics and child’s temperament. This study used first-year data from the Panel Study of Korean Children(PSKC), which was carried out under the R&D Center’s child care policy. The following methods were used for analysis; descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression using SPSS 13.0 program. First, the result is that the difficulties in parenting in terms of mother’s sociology of population is more difficult when mother is early 30, low educational attainment and has no income and religion. Second, the result shows that relation between mother’s characteristics or child’s temperament and difficulties for parenting is affected by both depression, conflict of mother’s characteristics and emotions of child’s temperament. Third, the most important thing that affects to difficulties in parenting is in order of mother’s depression, self-esteem, the method of bringing up, emotions of child’s temperament and parent’s trouble.