A Study on the Consumption Patterns, the Importance of Product Properties, and the Satisfaction Levels of Blackberry and Mulberry Fruit Beverage Products in the Jeonbuk Area
Received: August 4, 2011; Revised: August 9, 2011 Accepted: October 20, 2011.
The principal objective of this study was to evaluate the consumption patterns, the importance of product properties, and the satisfaction levels of blackberry and mulberry fruit beverage products(BMBPs) in the Jeonbuk area, Korea. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 294 customers(male 40.8%, female 59.2%) residing at Jeonju in Jeonbuk area. Descriptive and comparative statistical analyses were completed using SPSS PC program(version 19.0). Approximately, 61.6% of participants consumed BMBPs 1-2times a year. Only 1.7% of participants consumed BMBPs everyday. The main information source about BMBPs was 'families/friends'. About 58.8% of participants responded that the main reason for purchasing BMBPs was 'for health'. The result indicated the overall importance level(3.94) was higher than the satisfaction level(3.41)(p < .001). The importance and satisfaction levels of the older group (50's) were significantly higher than the levels of younger group(20-30's)(p < .01 ; p < .05). According to the IPA(Importance-Performance Anslysis), 'price' and 'credibility' of companies were the most important properties that had to be changed as soon as possible to increase satisfaction with BMBPs. Therefore, to increase BMBPs'-consumption, quality improvements on these products through cooperation between BMBPscompanies, the regional government, and research institutions are necessary.