A Study on the Effects of Middle Aged Male’s Intimacy toward Parents and Self-Efficacy of Care-Giving on Their Care-Giving Commitments for Aged Parents: Focused on the Multiple Group Analysis between Subjects with Healthy Parents and Subjects with Unhealthy Parents
Received: August 31, 2011; Revised: September 7, 2011 Accepted: October 19, 2011.
The predominant concern of the study consists in:(1)the positive direct effects of both individual's intimacy toward parents and individual's self-efficacy of care-giving roles on individual's care-giving commitment; (2)the positive mediating effect of individual's self-efficacy of care-giving on individual's care-giving commitment; (3)the moderating effect of the degree of unhealthy condition of individual's elderly parents on each causal relationship. For conducting this study, a survey method was used on 318 males with parents at the aged of 45-60, residing in Daegu and KyungPook. In order for subjects to verify research questions, structural equation models were explored. The findings of the study supported the direct, indirect effect and moderating effects, which suggested in research questions. Participants with unhealthy parents showed greater tendency in terms of influencing their intimacy toward parents on care giving commitment than participants with healthy parents did. The above findings claimed our attention in that provided a range of practical implication.