Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1982;20(4):1-12.
논문편 - 의생활 분야 : 동작에 따른 하지피부면의 변화에 관한 연구 ( 제1보 ) - 고관절과 (股關節) 슬관절 (膝關節) 굴신을 (屈伸) 중심으로 -
박영득 , 함옥상
The Study on the Lower Limb Surface Changes Caused by the Limb Movements (Part 1)
Young Deuk Park , Ock Sang Hahm
This study was to investigate the changes of shape of the lower limb surface, the rate of the measurement of expansion and contraction and correlation coefficient between variables caused by hip joint and knee joint movements. The results of the investigation are as follows; 1. According to the development figure of shell when the leg was raised forward(), total length of F.L shortened while B.L lengthened. This result is contarary to raising the leg backward. In both , movements, the rate of expansion and contraction to the course direction was insignificant. When hip joint was bent with knee joint bent () and hip joint was bent with knee joint bent(), upper section of back hip expanded while the front hip section contracted slightly. In the Movement of sitting on the chair(), abdomen, front hip section and upper thight section contracted to the wale direction remarkably while the back hip section expanded conspicuously. 2. According to the rate of expansion and contraction of skin (surface) by the somatometry. In , C.F.L. upper and middle thight girth contracted and B.L, C.L, L.L expanded. This fact is contarary to M3. In M4, M5, C.F.L showed remarkable contraction and C.B.L expanded remarkably. In , C.B.L contracted most of all the items measured and knee girth, F.L, L.L, C.B.L, hip girth expanded conspicuously. 3. According to the correlation coefficient between variables. In various movements, the correlation among girth items commonly showed a high or middle grade, the correlation among length items also commonly showed a low grade and that girth and length items showed a very low grade commonly. Waist girth, hip grith, F.L, B.L, L.L items showed that there were significant correlation.