Received: December 20, 2010; Revised: January 11, 2011 Accepted: April 4, 2011.
This study had two goals: 1) to explore generational differences in traditional family rituals and 2) to investigate the association between family values and family rituals. Using survey data from 500 married men and women in their 20s to 60s, we classified three generations: 1) 1941-1950 birth cohort (aged 59-68), 2) 1951-1970 birth cohort (aged 39-58), and 3) 1971 and later cohort (aged 38 or less). These generations represented post-colonialism, modernization, and the information era in Korea, respectively. The results demonstrated that birth-related traditional family rituals had been maintained across the generations. Ancestor worship was less likely to be observed by later generations. Further, the way in which family values was associated with family rituals differed across the generations, indicating that traditional family values had different influences on everyday family life culture across generations.