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J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc > Volume 49(1); 2011 > Article
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2011;49(1):107-120. doi: https://doi.org/10.6115/khea.2011.49.1.107
Life Satisfaction of Future Elderly and the Elderly
In-Suk Kwak
Department of Senior Welfare, Woosuk University
Corresponding Author: In-Suk Kwak ,Tel: +82-63-290-1526, Fax: +82-63-290-1416, Email: kwak1526@yahoo.co.kr
Received: October 31, 2010; Revised: November 2, 2010   Accepted: December 10, 2010.
This study is focused on the levels of life satisfaction influenced by the socio-demographic characteristics, personal activities, personal support and psychological characteristics. We surveyed 504 future elderly people(age between 50 to 64) and the elderly(over 65). The results are as follows; First, future elderly people are more satisfied with their life than the elderly. Second, life satisfaction of the future elderly is rarely influenced by the social demographic characteristics. Whereas, life satisfaction of the elderly is more influenced by the socio-demographic characteristics rather than the personal activities. Supports from neighbors and psychological characteristics are more satisfying their lives. Thus, we should come up with new programs providing opportunities to attend various social activities to maximize their life satisfaction of the future elderly. For the elderly, we need systems to build social network for supports from neighbors and to provide more job opportunities and educating programs.
Keywords: self-esteem, depression, attitude toward aging, psychological characteristic, life satisfaction
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